Real Talk with Tonya Sakowicz
CourseDuring these times, most everything has to be done virtually, and interviews are no exception. Are you currently in the interview process and curious how to conduct a virtual interview as successfully and seamlessly as possible?
Real Talk with Jill Reiter
CourseAre you curious how CAPPA can benefit you as a professional? Do you have questions about the upcoming CAPPA virtual conference and what all it will entail? We've got your answers!
Real Talk with Daniel Butcher
CourseWhat can you do to increase your chances of landing an interview?Daniel Butcher from My Nanny Resume will discuss what to include, what not to include, your social media accounts, references, websites and every thing that makes you, you, online.
Real Talk with Marly Hudanish 2
Course"Working with Multiples". Here we will discuss healthy sleep habits, what to do when all are crying at same time, feeding all at same time, and the importance of setting a routine for all.
Real Talk with Wendy Sjaardema
CourseSearching for and interviewing for a new position can be scary for a lot of people, but it is also one of the single most important steps insetting the tone for your employment relationship. Learn how to enter into your interview with confidence.
Real Talk with Stacie Steelman
CourseThe structure of the business of temporary care is constantly changing. Stacie will give insight to the employment market for temporary chid care providers and educators currently, what to expect on compensation, & best practices in the industry.