Foundational NCS Training

Great for newer NCS, nannies, doulas and experienced infant daycare workers to strengthen and deepen their newborn knowledge

This course goes IN-DEPTH into many areas that other program only touch on. We teach recognizing possible signs of conditions such as postpartum mood disorders, torticollis, tongue tie, reflux, food allergies, brachial plexus injuries and more. In addition, we teach all the business basics you need to get started—an NCS focused resume, elevator pitch, working with agencies and doing it on your own. More than any other “starting” program out there, this program gets you truly ready to enter the NCS world. And if you simply want to have a solid newborn base as a nanny, there is no better way to get it! This course has been described over and over again as “NOT NCS 101”.

Advanced NCS Training

You might know the “how” of what we do, but do you really know the “why”?

Advanced training in:
• Sleep Conditioning Techniques
• Infant Feeding
• Infant Brain Development
• Working with Premature babies
• Working with Multiples
• Alternative Care Options for Common Infant Ailments
• Working for High Profile Clients
• How to handle difficulties in the NCS world ...and much more!